Eliminate disconnected tactics, last-minute
“launch panic,” and unpredictable results
with this elegant, automated, profitable plan

Marketing cannot be effective when it is haphazard, unplanned, and poorly researched. This is why often campaigns can feel “hit” or “miss” and major launches end up feeling like a trip to the casino.
Professional, profitable marketing campaigns do not consist of isolated components, but cohesive pieces of an elegant puzzle.

Creating a marketing system that works automatically, and cohesively takes work up front, but can pay dividends for literally years to come in your business.

7-Step Self-Sustaining Profit System

Today, I’m going to show you a step-by-step process you can use to create a marketing plan that takes the guesswork out of your campaigns, your social media, your email, and your entire promotion strategy. This leads to higher and more consistent profits while saving hours of time and frustration in the process.

It’s the single best thing you can do for your business today.

Step 1: Inventory Your
Current Marketing Assets

Goal: Save time and development costs by
finding out what you already have in-hand

It’s an overwhelming prospect to the think about developing hundreds of pages of content from scratch for a launch. But often, we have many components that can be pulled from other areas of our business.

These “hidden gems” can often be deployed with minor tweaks or no edits at all as Lead Magnets, Trip-Wires, or even low-priced products or offers.

5 places to look for marketing assets:
Customer Emails
You may have written an in-depth answer to a customer problem that can easily be converted to a PDF guide. Search your inbox for questions that other customers may have.
Blog Posts
If you have a blog, you may be able to use a large blog post as a lead magnet with very little editing.
Coaching Calls
Recording coaching calls can be an excellent source of marketing assets. In-depth calls can be sold as a supplemental product, trip-wire offer, or free bonus. Shorter calls can be used for lead magnets, bonuses, or sales page content.
Previous Launches
There’s no need to reinvent the wheel each time you promote a product. Even if a launch didn’t perform as well as expected, no doubt there are valuable components that can be edited, repurposed, or relaunched.
Product Content
A great way to “pre-sell” a core product offering is by giving customers a sample of product contents. Or, simply use one component of the product to downsell non-buyers who may be looking for an offering with a smaller investment.
The lead magnet is the best way to build your customer base. It is a simple exchange – you give them a solution to a problem they want solved, in return, they give you their contact details (usually email address).
A free report is a common example of a lead magnet. There are many different lead magnet types you can use. These include quizzes, short videos, discounts, trials, toolkits, and guides.

What all lead magnets have in common are the 3 fundamentals:
If you want to learn how to maximize your return on marketing assets you already have, click here for a more in-depth look at content development..

Step 2: In-depth Market Research

Goal: Discover what your customer wants
and the best way to give it to them

Market research is where it all starts.

You simply CANNOT create a high converting sales funnel unless you deeply and adequately understand your market – their fears, pain, frustrations and desires.

Important Fact: Your marketing will fail if you don’t do proper market research.

This includes demographic info, competitor analysis, customer likes / dislikes, websites they frequent, online social media behavior, buying patterns, etc.

Here are 5 questions you should be asking about your competitors:
Here are 5 questions you should be asking about your competitors:
1. What keywords do they use?
2. What do their landing pages look like?
3. What ‘funnel’ process they send prospects into?
4. What tone do they use in their emails?
5. What lead magnets, trip-wires, and upsells do they use?
The data you collect during your market research completely shapes your funnel design. It determines everything from the right type of lead magnet, to the best core offers. It will also guide you to the most effective way to speak to your leads and customers.
Want to learn the quickest, easiest way to get your market research done? Click here for market research support..

Step 3: Crafting the Lead Magnets

Goal: Convert traffic into leads

The lead magnet is an irresistible bribe that gives valuable information to your prospect in return for their email address.

This information can be in the form of an ebook, audio recording, or video that they can easily and quickly access.

Your lead magnet is the first step of your funnel. It must give the reader an ‘instant gratification’ solution that is effortlessly consumed.

It is also your prospect’s first point of contact with you, your product, and your company… and leaves the deepest impression.

Since you have done your market research, you should have a good grasp on what your prospect’s biggest pain point is. The lead magnet can solve, or start to solve that problem.

The best lead magnets are short, easy to consume, and solve a specific problem that the prospect has right now.

Lead magnets are also one of the easiest parts of the funnel to test. You can develop and deploy many lead magnets that address different aspects of the same problem and all funnel into the same marketing system.

At our Agency, we have a “go to” list of 15 different types of lead magnets, each one appropriate to a different type of market. So choose the best one for your market, make it short, easy to consume, and give your prospect an outcome they desire.
If you’d like some help on designing a lead magnet or choosing the best type for your market, just click here for expert lead magnet generation..

Step 4: Irresistible “Trip-Wire” Offers

Goal: Turn leads into paying customers

Once a visitor opts in to get your lead magnet, he or she is flush with excitement that you have a solution to their pressing problem. This is the best time to make an offer!
The beauty behind the trip-wire offer is that it changes the relationship from prospect to buyer. And once someone spends money with you, they will likely do so again.

A trip-wire offer is an inexpensive product that gives your new lead the opportunity to explore your business without a large investment.

The most effective trip-wires give customers more in-depth and complex solutions to the problem your lead magnet addresses.

Trip-wire offers can be anything from detailed reports, books, videos, physical products, or course samples.

NOTE: The critical thing to remember is that the main goal of the trip-wire is to turn a lead into a customer…be careful not to focus on short-term profits here. Pricing your trip-wire too high or selling too hard can cannibalize the sales of your core offer.

The trip-wire is the first time your lead expresses enough trust in you to shell out his hard-earned cash. Make sure his trust is well-placed by delivering a great trip-wire product that exceeds expectations and leaves the customer feeling like they got more value than what they paid for.
If you want more details about pricing and promoting your trip-wire, click here..

Step 5: Your Core Offer

Goal: Turn buyers into profitable, satisfied customers

This is the “main event” of the marketing system.

A lead who has visited your site, downloaded the lead magnet, and bought the trip-wire is a “hot” prospect. They are begging you to give them what you have to offer.

The core offer is what you’re really trying to sell — your product, course, or services.

After product development, your main task here is the pitch.

There are a variety of ways to pitch your core offer — video sales letter, traditional text sales letter, a sales page with infographics, or a combination. There are many factors to a high-converting core offer including copywriting, pricing, and delivery.
For more on copy and pricing that sells, click here..

Step 6: The Complementary Upsell

Goal: Maximize your profit per lead

The best time to sell to someone is right after they’ve just bought from you. They are hot, they just finished buying something, and still have their credit card in their hand.

On average, about 20% of buyers will take you up on your upsell offer.
You have two choices for an upsell:
1. Offer a more expensive “premium” level of your core offer.
Here you can offer 1-on-1 mentoring, extra support, or a live element.
2. Offer a less expensive “add-on” supplement to your core offer.
Offer a bonus module, an extra coaching session, or another complementary product or course.
You can also offer more than one upsell or “add-on” to further increase profit per lead. Too many upsells, however, can make a checkout process daunting and even increase “cart abandonment,” losing sales on your core offer.
For a custom testing plan for upsell offers and pricing, click here..

Step 7: The Non-buyer
Email Follow-Up

Goal: Gently convert non-buyers to customers

What happens to the lead who opts-in and then doesn’t buy the trip-wire?

Don’t leave them behind. They can give you very valuable feedback about your offers and may even eventually turn into a buyer.

This is done with a series of email follow-ups to nurture him and eventually reintroduce him to your trip-wire.

The right pacing for your follow-up is critical.

Your email sequences should follow a deliberate sequence, with each email serving a specific purpose. Set one single goal for each email, so that after the series you have covered each major point you made in your sales letter.

Pro Tip: This is why I always write my sales letters first… you can then swipe copy almost directly from the sales letter to put in your email series.
Want a template for structuring your email follow up series? Click here to learn how we do it..

Here’s What To Do Next…

The outline above is the exact blueprint we’ve followed for nearly a decade to create cohesive, profitable marketing plans for each of our clients.

With the proper tools and integration, this blueprint can turn your marketing into an automated system that delivers prospects right to your doorstep who are eager, willing, and able to buy your products and services.

Then, you get to do what you do best… deliver a delightful product.

We can guide you step-by-step through this plan, or put our team of experts to work to craft each step specifically for your market, your product, and your business goals.

If you would like to see this plan customized for you from start to finish, click the button to learn more.
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